Have you ever heard that saying... I am sure you have..."If you have nothing
good to say, say nothing"...kinda what has been going on in my world lately.
Call it a female version of a mid-life-crisis...prolonged episode of
PMS...early onset of menopause hormones..whatever you wish...but I have been
C~R~A~B~B~Y. Not just your typical "I am kinda tired of cooking and cleaning"
kind of crabby...I mean "I hate my life DAMN IT and I am NOT happy about it"
kind of crabby.
Unfortunately for me, whenever I start to feel out of
sorts with my existence, some greater being usually slaps me back in line. Case
in point: a few weeks ago, while in the midst of one of my "episodes", I
suddenly and unexpectedly got to visit the ER because of a very painful kidney
stone. Had to have surgery and while the week spent on Percocet WAS a nice change of pace, it reminded
me that the status quo can be quite enjoyable.
When I
realized that I have not blogged in over 3 months, mostly due to the fact that I
had nothing nice to say, it got me thinking. Perhaps a change in attitude, as
opposed to location, is more of what is needed right now. Maybe I should start
thinking about helping my spirit...
SO...in honor of my 40th year, and my quest to
better myself, my blog is now going to chronicle not only the goings on of My
Three Sons, but also my journey to a better me. Perhaps I should start blogging
about the diet that is about to begin; the diet that I have promised myself
would culminate in my losing 100 pounds by my 41st year. Hopefully, the goals I
have set for myself will allow me to feel better about myself and my world thus
making it easier to come up with things to be happy about.
Next up...my
list of things to accomplish in year 40.
I guess, in the end, I DID have
something good to say