JP asked me to make a special treat for his class to celebrate Halloween. He also got his teacher to go along with this plan by (I suspect) having her send home the "treat list" with a check mark next to "cake". I suppose it doesn't help that I am constantly schlepping cupcakes and such to school to entice the staff!
I ended up spending my whole day working on this gem. It was "just" going to be cupcakes. Then I thought it would be cute to have something with a pumpkin theme. I didn't want to shape frosting into pumpkins all day, so I baked 2 bundt cakes and slapped them together. Goodness knows you can't have a class celebration without adding the names of ALL OF THE KIDS IN THE CLASS....sigh. Why do I do this to myself?? The fact that I spent 5 hours working on something that will be destroyed by a class of 8-year-olds in 5 minutes flat has not escaped me. The things we do for our kids!!