Sunday, February 24, 2008

James In The Dog House

Welcome to our new blog! We decided to start this for a few reasons - we really want to document the funny, sweet and memorable things that our boys do on a daily basis and we really want to share them with you!

Last night was a perfect example. I was checking on Jack and Daryl was checking on James, when we both went to find the other to show them how silly the boys were. Jack was fast asleep (pink cheeks and it!) with a HUGE roll of duct tape under his shirt. He got to go to breakfast with Grammy and Grampy yesterday and they took him to a store where he insisted he needed a roll of duct tape. Apparently, he loved it so much he couldn't part with it to sleep.

James was sleeping on our bed (long story) and has, in the past, used all of my pillows to build a "house". Every night when we come in to put him to bed, it is a maze of pillows and blankets, but last night was the mother of all houses. He decided to use Joseph's play mat (that has a overhead bars to attach toys to) as a house, and surrounded it with pillows. When I saw this I had to leave the room because I was laughing so hard. Seriously, it was like a fortress. We had to dismantle most of it to take the picture, but I'm sure you get the idea.

By the way, to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom of the most current entry and click on "comments", or click on the envelope to send me an email. You can also sign up to be emailed when there is an update to the blog. Let me know what you think and if I need to make any changes. Thanks!

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