Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My Three Sons (at least 2 of them, anyway) were THRILLED to learn that tonight for dinner we were having cupcakes and for dessert, we were having hamburgers and french fries. I told them at breakfast that because April Fools Day is a silly day, we should celebrate by eating our dinner in a silly way. You could have heard a pin drop. Confusion could be seen as the impossible was being absorbed. "You mean we can have a cupcake for dinner?!"

You can see by the pictures above that if you try really hard, you can make meatloaf and mashed potatoes look like a cupcake, apple sticks look like french fries and a hamburger bun and a cookie look like a hamburger. The look on their face when they tasted the "frosting" on the cupcake was priceless! Jack had the funniest reaction. He looked up at us, and said HEY! THIS ISN'T A CUPCAKE!

I love being a mom

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