Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Dingalinges Reality Show!


So a good friend of mine recently told me that we should record our daily lives and let everyone laugh at our misfortune on a daily basis.  AKA...have a reality show.  Okay, so SHE didn't think of our family as a series of slap-stick comedy routines, but I sure do.

Daryl and I recounted a time when I so MAJESTICALLY announced that we are going to sell EVERYTHING WE OWN and live in an RV.  All five of us.  Together.  Trapped in an RV.  And record it.  Yeah...didn't happen.  Although looking back I realized that we would have most certainly been destined to appear on tv...COPS. 

Bad boy, bad boy...watcha gonna do....watcha gon

na do when they come for you?......AHEM.

I really don't know what I would do if we couldn't laugh, have fun and tease each other.  For all the times I complain that I don't get to have AFFECTION and CARING and RESPECT for each other or a DEEP AND MEANINGFUL CONVERSATIONS with one another (or in other words GIRL FEELINGS!  Their definition, not mine...ha!), I would literally go (look out for bad language ahead) BAT SHIT CRAZY if I couldn't laugh.

We are messy, loud, obnoxious.  But we also are loving, adventurous and hysterical.  I love that about us.  I don't know that I would mind putting my family on view for the world to see all of our flaws....I can handle the criticisms about our personalities...I just don't know if I could handle the 10 extra pounds the camera puts on.  :)

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