Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Week From H~E Double Hockey Sticks

Most people love spring break. At least anyone under the age of 25, and those without children. Or those with nannies. Or anyone who has someone to watch their kids while they lay basking in the warmth of a sun filled beach sipping a ........... sorry. Got a little off track.

I, personally, hate spring break. While the "good" mother in me is screaming "But you love to spend time with you kids making every conceivable shape out of play dough, eat enough fruit snacks to choke a horse and making a fabulous collection of macaroni art that rivals any metropolitan museum!" But really....3 little boys in a house the size of a tree fort, with completely unreliable weather....good golly, I just can't seem to bring myself to get excited about it!

We are, however, finishing out our week at the water park, which is sure to be a hit with the boys. If anything, it will tire them out enough to stop complaining about wanting to be outside.

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